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South Africa
Country Code: +27
National Sexual Assault Helplines
Rape Crisis 24-hour Helpline
: 021 447 9762 (English); 021 361 9085 (isiXhosa); 021 633 9229 (Afrikaans) and 083 222 5164 (WhatsApp)
POWA (People Opposing Women Abuse)
: 0116 424 345/6
Gender Violence Helpline
: 0800 150 150
24 Hours Tears Helpline
: 0800 083 277
24/7 FREE Emergency Voice Prompt: *134*7355#
24 Hr Gender-Based Violence Helpline
: 0800 428 428
The Saartjie Baartman Centre for Women and Children (SBCWC)
: +27 21 633 5287
Dept of Social Development hotline
: 0800 220 250
Ilitha Labantu Helpline
: 072 076 6118 or 072 063 4407
National Elder Abuse Helpline
: 0800 10 11 10
National Domestic Violence Helplines
24 Hours Tears Helpline
: 0800 083 277
24/7 FREE Emergency Voice Prompt: *134*7355#
24 Hr Gender-Based Violence Helpline
: 0800 428 428
POWA (People Opposing Women Abuse)
: 0116 424 345/6
National 24Hr Toll Free Shelter Helpline
: 0800 001 005 or send an SMS, WhatsApp or Please Call Me to 082 057 8600 or 082 058 2215 or 072 230 7147
Gender Violence Helpline
: 0800 150 150
The Saartjie Baartman Centre for Women and Children (SBCWC)
: +27 21 633 5287
Ilitha Labantu Helpline
: 072 076 6118 or 072 063 4407
Yokhuselo Haven (Nelson Mandela Bay)
: '+27(0)41 581 4310 or +27(0)76 312 7730
National Elder Abuse Helpline
: 0800 10 11 10
Bright Sky App
Bright Sky is an easy to use app that provides practical support and information for anyone concerned about domestic abuse.
Additional Resources
Soul City Institute for Social Justice
Search for TEARS Support
Information and support contacts on Sexual Violence
Thuthuzela One Stop Centers (map)
1000 Women Voices
Lawyers Against Abuse (LvA) for legal and psychological support
FAMSA (Families South Africa)
The Lady of Peace Community Foundation (LOPECO)
Includes support for LGBTIQ individuals
For free legal support, counseling and mental health resources
Information and support contacts on Sexual Violence
Thuthuzela One Stop Centers (map)
1000 Women Voices
Lawyers Against Abuse (LvA) for legal and psychological support
FAMSA (Families South Africa)
The Lady of Peace Community Foundation (LOPECO)
Includes support for LGBTIQ individuals
For free legal support, counseling and mental health resources
1000 Women Voices
Lawyers Against Abuse (LvA) for legal and psychological support
FAMSA (Families South Africa)
The Lady of Peace Community Foundation (LOPECO)
Includes support for LGBTIQ individuals
For free legal support, counseling and mental health resources
FAMSA (Families South Africa)
The Lady of Peace Community Foundation (LOPECO)
Includes support for LGBTIQ individuals
For free legal support, counseling and mental health resources
Includes support for LGBTIQ individuals
For free legal support, counseling and mental health resources
For free legal support, counseling and mental health resources