Find information regarding the LGBTQ Status of your country here:

Country Code: +31
National Sexual Assault Helplines
Sexual assault and Rape hotline
: 0800 0188
Sexual Assault Centers (Centrum Seksueel Geweld)
Break the silence Helpline
: 088 746 0083 or or 0900 9999 001
Fier Helpline
: 088 20 80 000
Men As Well
: Callback Helpline: 064 7848 123
Support for men+, trans and non-binary people
: 088 746 0083 or or 0900 9999 001
: 088 20 80 000
: Callback Helpline: 064 7848 123
National Domestic Violence Helplines
National domestic violence helpline (Veilig Thuis)
: 0800 2000
Blijf Groep 24 Hour DV Helpline
: 088 234 24 50
Safe At Home support locations throughout NL
Fier Helpline
: 088 20 80 000
Men As Well
: Callback Helpline: 064 7848 123
Support for men+, trans and non-binary people
: 088 20 80 000
: Callback Helpline: 064 7848 123