Find information regarding the LGBTQ Status of your country here:

Country Code: +976
National Sexual Assault Helplines
National Center Against Violence (NCAV) Advice Line
: +976 7011 9949 or 96 49 05 05
One-stop service center Bayankhongor province (click link for additional contacts)
: 70 44 21 22 or 88 39 39 08
Victim Protection Program
: +976 1131 1512 or +976 7011 1112
Gender Equality Center
National Domestic Violence Helplines
National Center Against Violence (NCAV) Advice Line
: +976 7011 9949 or 96 49 05 05
Domestic Violence Advice and Information
: 107
Victim Protection Program
: +976 1131 1512 or +976 7011 1112
Gender Equality Center