Find information regarding the LGBTQ Status of your country here:

Country Code: +81
National Sexual Assault Helplines
SARC Tokyo 24-hour Hotline
: Toll-free number: #8891
Or 0120 8891 77 and 03 5577 3899
Yorisoi Hotline
: 0120 279 338
Asian Women's Center Helpline
: 092 513 7333
Tokyo Rape Crisis Center
: 03 3207 3692 or +81 90 7415 5299
Women's Human Rights Hotline
: 0570 070 810
National Speed Dial that connects to the nearest one-stop support center from the calling location
: #8891
Call 03 5607 0799 if speed dial doesn't work
Hokkaido Police Sex Crime Helpline
: #8103
Click on link for landline numbers